Monthly Shaarli

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April, 2024

Systemd service file generator

A simple Systemd service file online generator. This powerful and intuitive user interface makes us more efficient when we are creating new services file with all possible settings.

GitHub - containers/quadlet

Contribute to containers/quadlet development by creating an account on GitHub.

Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using

<p> All of us - software engineers - use <code class="inline">git</code> every day, however most people only ever touch the most basic of commands, such as...

How a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet From Hell Slowed Williams' F1 Cars For Years

One of history's greatest Formula 1 teams, Williams, has apparently been hamstrung by a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for years.

Project Bluefin and the future of operating systems

A relatively obscure desktop Linux project hints at a containerized OS future that makes perfect sense for enterprise computing.

Kobold letters – Lutra Security

Anyone who has had to deal with HTML emails on a technical level has probably reached the point where they wanted to quit their job or just set fire to all the mail clients due to their inconsistent implementations. But HTML emails are not just a source of frustration, they can also be a serious security risk.

Horror Stories | European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group
GitHub - d78ui98/APKDeepLens: Android security insights in full spectrum.

Android security insights in full spectrum. Contribute to d78ui98/APKDeepLens development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - 0xx01/Vuln-Web-Lab: A simple lab that has been developed intentionally with vulnerabilities for training purposes.

A simple lab that has been developed intentionally with vulnerabilities for training purposes. - 0xx01/Vuln-Web-Lab

pytest-xdist — pytest-xdist documentation