Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

June 26, 2022

GitHub - valentjn/ltex-ls: LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool with support for LaTeX , Markdown , and others

LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool :mag::heavy_check_mark: with support for LaTeX :mortar_board:, Markdown :pencil:, and others - GitHub - valentjn/ltex-ls: LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool with support for LaTeX , Markdown , and others

Getting Started With Vim - A Practical Guide

Vim is a powerful tool once you understand it. This post will guide you through the challenge of setting Vim up so you can be productive quickly.

GitHub - phelipetls/vim-hugo: Vim plugin for web development with static site generator Hugo

Vim plugin for web development with static site generator Hugo - GitHub - phelipetls/vim-hugo: Vim plugin for web development with static site generator Hugo

GitHub - yaegassy/coc-ansible: ansible-language-server extension for coc.nvim

ansible-language-server extension for coc.nvim. Contribute to yaegassy/coc-ansible development by creating an account on GitHub.