Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 30 (July 22, 2024)

TIL: Mermaid Gantt diagrams are great for displaying distributed traces in Markdown - brycemecum.com

TIL: Mermaid Gantt diagrams are great for displaying distributed traces in Markdown

File Transfer Cheatsheet: Windows and Linux - Hacking Articles

File transfer is a crucial step in the post-exploitation scenario while performing penetration testing or red teaming. There are various ways to do the file

How I Use Git Worktrees

There are a bunch of posts on the internet about using git worktree command. As far as I can tell, most of them are primarily about using worktrees as a replacement of, or a supplement to git branches. Instead of switching branches, you just change directories. This is also how I originally had useed worktrees, but that didn't stick, and I abandoned them. But recently worktrees grew on me, though my new use-case is unlike branching.