Monthly Shaarli

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May, 2023

GitHub - tidwall/jj: JSON Stream Editor (command line utility)

JSON Stream Editor (command line utility). Contribute to tidwall/jj development by creating an account on GitHub.

Pasting into a terminal buffer
GitHub - GoogleContainerTools/container-diff: container-diff: Diff your Docker containers

container-diff: Diff your Docker containers. Contribute to GoogleContainerTools/container-diff development by creating an account on GitHub.

How to set up an Android Penetration Testing Lab from scratch (AVD without Android Studio) - YouTube

In this video, we explore different ways to create a fully working environment for Android Penetration Testing and we create our setup using the SDK provided...

tmux/tmux.conf at main · dreamsofcode-io/tmux · GitHub

Contribute to dreamsofcode-io/tmux development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - webpro/awesome-dotfiles: A curated list of dotfiles resources.

A curated list of dotfiles resources. Contribute to webpro/awesome-dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - masneyb/shotwell-site-generator: Generates a static HTML site based on the contents of your Shotwell photo/video library.

Generates a static HTML site based on the contents of your Shotwell photo/video library. - GitHub - masneyb/shotwell-site-generator: Generates a static HTML site based on the contents of your Shotwell photo/video library.


Flux is a set of continuous and progressive delivery solutions for Kubernetes, and they are open and extensible.
The APIs of Flux are stable now.


Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes

Open-source data multitool

Command-line interactive multitool for tabular data.

HCL Volt MX Tutorials
GitHub - gTile/gTile: A window tiling extension for Gnome. This is the new official home of the vibou.gTile extension.

A window tiling extension for Gnome. This is the new official home of the vibou.gTile extension. - GitHub - gTile/gTile: A window tiling extension for Gnome. This is the new official home of the vibou.gTile extension.

OWASP WrongSecrets

Examples with how to not use secrets