Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 52 (December 26, 2022)


Canarytokens is a free tool that helps you discover you’ve been breached by having attackers announce themselves. The tokens allow you to implant traps around your network and notifies you as soon as they are triggered.

GitHub - mbid/vim-compose

Contribute to mbid/vim-compose development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - maaslalani/nap: Code snippets in your terminal

Code snippets in your terminal. Contribute to maaslalani/nap development by creating an account on GitHub.

Sublime Merge | Git client from the makers of Sublime Text

Discover a powerful Git GUI Client for Mac, Windows and Linux, from the makers of Sublime Text. Line-by-line Staging. Commit Editing. Unmatched Performance.

Sublime Text - Text Editing, Done Right

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.