Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 14 (April 1, 2024)

GitHub - 0xx01/Vuln-Web-Lab: A simple lab that has been developed intentionally with vulnerabilities for training purposes.

A simple lab that has been developed intentionally with vulnerabilities for training purposes. - 0xx01/Vuln-Web-Lab

Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using

<p> All of us - software engineers - use <code class="inline">git</code> every day, however most people only ever touch the most basic of commands, such as...

Horror Stories | European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group
pytest-xdist — pytest-xdist documentation
How a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet From Hell Slowed Williams' F1 Cars For Years

One of history's greatest Formula 1 teams, Williams, has apparently been hamstrung by a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for years.